Léon: The Professional (1994)(Film)
October 9, 2024
Léon: The Professional (1994) is an action thriller directed by Luc Besson in 1994 that follows Léon, a lone and skilled hitman living in New York City, who unexpectedly becomes the caretaker of a 12-year-old girl named Mathilda. After her family is murdered by a corrupt drug enforcement agent, Mathilda seeks Léon’s help in avenging their deaths. Despite him having a cold and detached vibe, Léon bonds with Mathilda, and teaches her the ways of assassination while fighting with his own moral dilemmas dealing with a child. The film explores themes of revenge, innocence, and the unlikely friendship between the two characters in a very tense and emotional movie.
Here’s how Léon: The Professional compared to some of the other movies I’ve watched recently here.