Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)(Film)
November 3, 2024
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) is a comedic drama directed by Quentin Tarantino that is a tribute to 1960s Hollywood. The movie follows the lives of Rick Dalton, a fading TV star (played by Leonardo DiCaprio), and his stunt double, Cliff Booth (played by Brad Pitt), as they navigate the changes in the film industry during the 60s. Actress Sharon Tate (played by Margot Robbie) lives next to Rick, and her character brings in the Manson family murders into the story.
The movie blends dark humor, suspense, and Tarantino’s take on 1960s Hollywood to tell the story about a fading actor and his stunt double.
Here’s how Once Upon a Time in Hollywood compared to some of the other movies I’ve watched recently here.